Alvarado Park, Richmond
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Website: Alvarado Park
Kid-friendly: Yes, but with water elements, please use caution.
Location: 5755 McBryde Ave, Richmond, CA 94805
Hours: Open daily, 7am to 6pm.
Easy to get to: Yes. Street parking available on McBryde. Restrooms available.
About: Alvarado
Park is a subsection of Wildcat Canyon Regional Park in Richmond,
California and is a National Historic Place. It is located at the mouth
of Wildcat Canyon is the Alvarado Park section. It has long been a favorite picnic spot in Richmond and has a rich history. The
original facilities at Alvarado Park included an open-air pavilion and
dance hall (later converted to a popular roller rink). These are now
gone; what remains is the extensive stone work, including stone walls,
stone light standards, and a beautiful stone arch bridge across Wildcat
Creek. Because of the unique history and depression era WPA stone work,
Alvarado Park is included in the National Register of Historic Places.
Alvarado was a city park until it was transferred to the East Bay
Regional Park district to become part of Wildcat Canyon Regional Park. Park size: 43 acres.